Black Square Steel Tube is a type of steel that lacks any zinc coating or any other surface coating. It typically has a gray or black surface, and it is commonly used in applications that require high mechanical strength without the need for the corrosion resistance provided by a zinc coating.

Below are some common uses of black square steel tubes:
1. Mechanical Construction: Black square steel tubes are often used in the manufacturing and construction of mechanical components, steel frames, beams, columns, and other products that require high load-bearing capacity.
2. Precision Mechanics: Black square steel tubes also find applications in the precision mechanical industry for manufacturing components like bearings and other machine parts.
3. Construction: In the construction sector, black square steel tubes can be used in building structures such as warehouses, workshops, and other industrial facilities.
4. Energy and Electromechanical Equipment: Black square steel tubes can be utilized in the production and construction of energy and electromechanical equipment, including parts of pipelines and systems for water and oil transportation.
5. Automotive Manufacturing: In the automotive industry, black square steel tubes can manufacture parts and components for cars and vehicles.
6. Furniture and Decoration: In interior design and decoration, black square steel tubes can be employed to create products such as lamps, tables, chairs, and other decorative elements.
7. Processing and Fabrication: Black square steel tubes provide a source of material for metalworking shops and metal product manufacturing facilities.
In summary, black square steel tubes are often used in applications that require high load-bearing capacity and do not necessitate corrosion resistance from a galvanized coating. This makes them suitable for various tasks in the industrial, construction, mechanical, and product design sectors.